Latest Games News
Epic’s Fortnite mobile is now available for everyone to download – on iOS
Fortnite became the center of attention, when Epic released a mobile version…
Ataribox now Atari VCS, will have AMD Graphics card and Linux OS
Atari has shed some new light on the Ataribox recently at Game…
Presenting the Zotac ZBOX MAGNUS EK71080 Compact Gaming PC
It has been hard to combine both small form desktops and gaming PCs…
Fortnite Battle Royale: How to play like an Expert? What Weapons to use? Tips and Strategies
Looking for the best tips and strategies to be successful in the…
Sea of Thieves currently facing issues with Game Pass
Microsoft's Sea of Thieves is currently inaccessible for subscribers of their Xbox…
AI learns how to play Battlefield 1
EA's Deep Learning division has created an AI that has learned how…
Good news for Fortnite Players – Epic announces an all-new live replay system
Who doesn't know about Fortnite right? The Battle Royale game which has…