Latest Games News
How To Play PUBG Like A Pro – The Ultimate Guide
The PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is one of the hottest game around these days…
Reasons why PewDiePie is the top Youtube channel despite all controversies
We have figured out why PewDiePie, the highest subscribed Youtube channel of…
A Walking Dead themed PUBG tournament is in the works
AMC has just announced that it'll be partnering with Twitch and some…
Dell apologizes for remarks condoning cheating in PUBG video game
Following the comments made by one of Dell's executives regarding cheating at…
Ransomware demands people to play PUBG instead of money – Wait, what?
A ransomware has started spreading recently which has locked people's access to…
Fortnite Mobile on top of earnings board – Candy Crush, Clash of Clans and Pokemon Go behind
Fortnite had released its mobile version of the now extremely popular game.…
NetEase denies any wrongdoing after being sued by PUBG
A few days ago, developers of the highly popular battle royale game…