In today’s world, we have accepted social networking sites so much in our lives, that we have simply stopped pondering what would happen if the site was subject to a significant data leak. Not that data leaks, do not occur, but there is also a possibility that our data is being misused by the company we so easily trust.
Perhaps, the most used social networking site, with the highest number of daily active users, it arguably FaceBook. The platform which took birth in 2004, has now spread all over the world. The amount of personal data which Facebook has could very easily be sold for more than a billion dollars if FaceBook ever went rogue. What is there to stop them from using our data right now as we speak? Just recently news came out that data analyst firm Cambridge Analytica received misappropriated Facebook data from 50 million profiles. Therefore, the question which pops up in one’s mind is on how to permanently delete your Facebook account, thus removing all the data. There might also be other reasons for doing so.
First of all, we all waste nearly 7 hours of our swamped up lives scrolling through the newsfeed we are so accustomed to. This time can be put into other real life things which can be more beneficial. Moreover, aren’t we all tired of viewing photos and videos of our colleagues and friends, that are downright fake (figuratively). Nobody has the time to be honest to be interested in their friend’s life these days or what they are up to. Facebook simply isn’t what it was, since many have resorted to Instagram and Snaphat for posting about their everyday life. For messaging purposes, WhatsApp emerges the victor. So it is time that you simply delete your Facebook profile once and for all before it can be misused in any way.
I will be losing all my memories and data
There is a simple solution for this. We all know how all our memories and Facebook data mean to us. You can simply download it for archival purposes for only yourself. Simply log on to Facebook on a desktop and head over to Settings. In the very first window that opens, there would be an option, “Download a copy of your Facebook data.” Choose that option and then follow the later instructions. Facebook will send you an email from where you can download all your Facebook data through a single link.
Delete your Facebook account once and for all
Beware, that there is no way to get your account back once the 14-day recovery period expires. If you change your mind you can simply login within 14 days to regain your account after following the following steps.
Just navigate to this page:
Now click on “Delete my account”. You will be prompted to enter your password and a captcha for verification purposes. After which your account shall be deleted forever within 14 days.