We all know and love the streaming services provided by Netflix with a plethora of Movies, series, and interactive stories, Netflix makes some while others are the content made by other producers and added to Netflix for its viewers. The amount of content added by Netflix is growing day by thanks to the efficient marketing strategies. While many of us (almost all) know about the series and movies hosted by Netflix, there is a handful of people who know about their interactive stories.
Let me start by introducing them; the genre debuted last year with some titles for the kids, Puss in Book: Trapped in Epic Tale was the first title, other titles were added shortly. These are called interactive stories because they allow the viewers to have some choices that will affect the story afterward.
A few days back TechRadar posted a story on Netflix entering to the gaming genre; the first game will be the Telltale title Minecraft Story mode. Although the news was right, Netflix spokesperson replied to the news by saying that they are not getting into the gaming genre, there are already many modes on games, although games are becoming increasingly cinematic, they are not entering the gaming industry as of now.
They confirmed that Minecraft is entering their streaming service this fall in the form of video files the content will be controllable via remote possessing directional keys and selection key. The game has been released on every platform from mobile phones and consoles to the PCs; the Telltale mechanism point flick mechanism is simple to such an extent that the game can be played using the simplest controller of all time our TV remote.

Telltale is a renowned video game publisher that makes the games driven by their interactive stories, they have made many famous adaptations of the TV series such as HBO’s flagship show the Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, and many others. The licensed content under Telltale games attracts even more audiences to the series and the games, I for one started watching Game of Thrones when I played their telltale game.
These games mentioned above follow simple point and flick mechanism and are more focused towards storytelling purposes. The Minecraft story mode is the 5-episode game that follows the traditional Telltale gameplay; it is based in the world of Minecraft where your character with the help of one of his friends must save the world; it is now porting on the Netflix as the first Telltale game on the streaming service. It is reported that telltale first approached HBO for their content, HBO replied they want to see the progress of the this technology first. Then Netflix stood up for the project that is now on the verge of being released.

The other news that followed with this story, again reported by TechRadar was that Telltale is working on the hit Netflix series the stranger things that will be released on the Netflix. The Netflix spokesperson denied that statement and said that they are working on the project as their marketing strategy, but it will be a game of Telltale that will be released under their radar. The game was set to release early but was delayed due to some reasons; reports show that it will be released with the 2nd season of the show, to grab more and more audience.

All in all, first real game on Netflix although they are calling it one of their interactive stories will surely be as good as their other content, we already know Minecraft story mode is one of the better games of Telltale, but we’ll have to wait for the fall to see if there is any change in the storyline and how will the “remote controller” affect it.