Apple finally releases the final version of IOS version 11 in iPhone, iPod and iPad. And what’s exciting is that you don’t need to buy iPhone 8 or wait for the X, to use the latest operating system. It can very well work on few year old Apple releases!!
The company released the much awaited IOS Beta version this Tuesday around 10 a.m. P.T. The new release accompanies many intriguing features that would certainly transform your iPhone or iPad, making it handier and an interactive user interface. See how to upgrade to iOS 11.
The new update has a magnanimous effect on the iPad whereas not so much in case for the iPhone, for Apple has completely overturned the iPad’s previous experience, making radical changes to the way one opens or manages his/her Apps.
Users are likely to find a lot of things quite different than what they are used to, but the core of how one gets around and experience the OS remains the same. A lot is new, but not so much that one would not recognize it.

However the same could not be said for the iPad. For iPads, IOS is more of an overhaul. With added drag and drop features coupled with improved multitasking, allows one to manage stuff in Files app more innately, letting you drop and drag text and photos from app to another. The split-screen improves the multitasking feature, so one can work three apps at a time.
Some features which you certainly would appreciate;
Modified Control Center
File management System
Driving; Do not disturb
Drop-and-Drag Feature
Upgraded Notes
Live Photos
Epic Control Center
It is inevitable to overlook the new Control Center, while discovering the new IOS. A little weird at first, with a wild array of buttons and widgets; basically some of them are simple toggle buttons and others some expanded panels. Added to that it only now appears on a single screen instead of many swiping panels.
The flashlight has the added feature of varying intensity and turning on airplane mode after turning on the Bluetooth does not disconnect it, isn’t that just cool!! Added to this is the choice given to the user to manage the buttons which appear on the Control Center.
Drop-and-Drag feature
The feature being strong on iPad than on iPhone, allows one to drag apps, files and photos. In case of iPhone, this is only applicable on the home screen or within the Files App. However, in an iPad the whole scenario has been changed.
Allowing the user to move anything and everything, from text to photos from one place to the desired location. The feature being the coolest so far is only frowned upon for not being the same for the iPhone.
File Management
This new feature allows you to access all your files anytime and anywhere. Once you are deep into the iCloud ecosystem, you will find all your files stored on other Apple devices.
Driving; Do not disturb
This exciting feature, enables your phone to detect when you are inside a car, causing to enable Do Not Disturb While Driving. Any incoming text alerts would be stopped, making you concentrate on driving.
Upgraded Notes
This is a completely new feature in the iPad. Making use of your Apple Pencil, just tap on the lock screen and start taking notes immediately. Whatever you draw, write or create is stored in the Notes app.
Live Photos
Endearing feature for all dem photo lovers out there!! Photos become even more expressive with this feature. It’s just plain fun, all one has to do is to select a couple of Live photos and then change them into a video loop. Another thing you do enjoying is put your Live Photo in reverse, so that it rebounds!! Furthermore get those DSLR worthy effects, capturing the elements of time.
However some users have tiny complaints, one such example is the resentment for removing the multitasking feature which worked best for iPhone 6S. Well nothing is perfect, this version although outstanding, has its certain faults, but overall so the best the Apple has offered!