If you love real cheese, you’d probably think that France is the best place to live. But what if you don’t live in France? What if you’re in a country where they don’t manufacture proper cheese and the one that’s imported costs a fortune? This is what cheese lovers go through whenever they want to satisfy their untimely cravings but don’t have access to good cheese.
Fortunately for them, a startup by the name of Fromaggio is here to cater just that. The budding company has invented a device, also named Fromaggio, that can make all sorts of cheese for you. The name Fromaggio is derived from “fromage”, which is cheese in French.

The owner and CEO of Fromaggio, Dr. Glen Feder, lived for 15 years in Paris. When he returned to the USA, he was disappointed to find out that the people here were devoid of good cheese. According to him, the cheese here was “tasteless” and “artificial”. With the help of a team of foodies and innovators, that he gathered, he was able to make this groundbreaking device.
About Fromaggio
Fromaggio is, according to the team, an automated, home cheese-making system. It is about the size of a large blender and can be easily stored in a kitchen cabinet when not in use. As far as usage is concerned, it’s extremely simple. There are a total of 3 steps involved:
- Step 1: Add milk, culture, and rennet.
- Step 2: Select the type of cheese you want from a mobile app that’s synced to your Fromaggio.
- Step 3: Wait till Fromaggio makes your favorite cheese for you.

Other features of the Fromaggio include a stainless steel body, detachable cheese press, multi-size curd cutters, a mobile app, Bluetooth connectivity, LCD touch screen, removable drainer, and a cleaning mode.
Types of Cheese
The Fromaggio can make a vast array of cheese just by a tap on a screen. Some of the prominent types include:
- Cheddar
- Keffir
- Ricotta
- Mozzarella
- Lactose-Free
- Kosher
- Parmesan
- Bleu
- Chevre
- Chevre
- Cottage

Pricing and Verdict
Fromaggio is still under development and hence isn’t on sale yet. However, it’s in the final stages of its development and production will start in February 2020. It has a Kickstarter page and you can back it up by visiting it here. If you pledge over $249, you will get rewards which include the Fromaggio itself when the production starts.
In my opinion, the Fromaggio may be targeted only towards a specific group of individuals. But being a cheese lover myself, I can vouch for this product. It is a household need that ensures you get healthy, home-made and cheap cheese. Though at $547, it is a tad bit expensive. I would advise making a pledge now to get it at a discounted price.