Growing drones in chemical vats may sound some kind of fictional and sci-fi movie but the company BAE systems has unveiled their concept in which they planned to grow aircrafts and their components in large vats.
Drones and other aerial vehicles have a strong position in military applications. So the scientists and engineers are working on ways through which a vast number of the aircrafts and other military weapons can be manufactured instantly, this also includes growing them chemically inside vats.
The U.K.-based defense company teamed up with the University of Glasgow to work on the concept of growing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The aim of the project is to create aircrafts chemically in weeks, which are currently being created in years.
The BAE systems is working on a machine named Chemputer™. This machine combined the chemical 3D printer and a computer that will enable to grow drones and their complex electronic components at a molecular level, chemically. The drones will take shape into the vats by using raw materials and centrifugal force will be applied. This will help in growing perfectly tailored aircrafts ready to fulfill their designated purpose. The larger components will later be assembled using a robotic arm at a conveyer belt.
The professor Nick Colosimo Engineer at BAE systems said “The world of military and civil aircraft is constantly evolving and it’s been exciting to work with scientists and engineers outside BAE Systems and to consider how some unique British technologies could tackle the military threats of the future”.
These hi-speed aircrafts flying at high altitudes would allow them to outpace adversary missiles. These aircrafts would be grown in such a way that they will be able to do various tasks and operations where a rapid response is needed. This includes surveillance missions which need hi-speed crafts and emergency supply deployments.
The developer of the Chemputer, Regius Professor Lee Cronin said “Creating small aircraft would be very challenging but I’m confident that creative thinking and convergent digital technologies will eventually lead to the digital programming of complex chemical and material systems.”
The company is even developing ways to use environmentally sustainable material because when you’re building such advanced military grade weapons the environment safety comes first, as the company said “Don’t worry, our advanced military weapons of the future will be biodegradable”.
If this all this comes into fruition its going to revolutionize the whole industry and using this process the manufacturers will be able to build anything from vehicles, personal electronics and other appliances.
This concept may sound wild and unrealistic but The Bae systems is not known for selling stories, it is one of the largest military weapons and aircraft manufacturer. The company has a track record of bringing such fiction and stories into reality and it was not long ago when people thought 3D printers would not be a useful tool for manufacturing and here we are now.