Android is an enterprise that is owned and made by Google; it is an open-ended platform that everyone anywhere in this world can use. Many smartphone manufacturers and OEM developers use the Google’s platform and make their products, many Android smartphones that we get have many pre-installed apps that are usually called bloatware which contains many apps from Google such as Chrome or Hangouts. Recently European Union made a decision against Google and refrained it from bundling its Web browser: Chrome and search apps from android and adding to that a fine of worth 5 Billion dollars.

In a weblog post, the CEO of Google Sundar Pichai in response said a typical android user set up around 50 apps themselves and can uninstall the pre-installed apps from their phone and refraining google from bundling its apps with the pre-installed apps will disturb the Android ecosystem.
He went on saying that, “If telephone makers and cellular community operators couldn’t embody our apps on their wide selection of gadgets, it could upset the stability of the Android ecosystem”, clearly avoiding the fact that smartphone manufacturers cannot be forced to add Google’s apps in their bundles now.
He then hints on Android being a free to use enterprise and said, “To this point, the Android enterprise mannequin has meant that we haven’t needed to cost telephone makers for our expertise, or rely on a tightly managed distribution mannequin, However we’re involved that right now’s decision will upset the cautious stability that now we have struck with Android and that it sends a troubling sign in favor of proprietary techniques over open platforms.” This can be taken as a warning from Google that Android will not remain an open-ended enterprise anymore.
Pichai’s subtle statements about the open-source Android platform can be thought of a warning for consumers, manufacturers and the European Commission. Since EU has not provided a thoughtful solution to Google and if the manufacturers start making their web browsers and divert queries to the rival search engines then it may result in complications as more than 50 percent of Google’s digital revenue comes from its ad sense.
A company’s most important goal is to make as much profit as it is possible, and Google is no exception as the CEO hinted they might have to change the Android business model and start working out things differently. A lot of freelance developers usually begin their career with Android development since it is entirely free, this development caused by EU can spark serious troubles for not only Google but also many people around the globe. We have to wait a while to see how things work out.