Week 7 of Season 9 is upon us in Fortnite along with the version 9.30 update which has added a bunch of new stuff to the game. Just like every other week, this week also brings some new challenges for the players to complete and earn rewards. If you’re out of the loop for some reason, here’s what the challenges are all about. Fortnite has weekly challenges that the players can complete to earn Battle Stars. The Battle Stars are then used to level up your Battle Pass. Leveling up the Battle Pass unlocks all sorts of rewards for the player which include cosmetic items, dances and other items. However, things are not that simple and not everyone has access to all of the challenges.
The weekly challenges in Fortnite are divided into a couple of classes, Free and Premium. The challenges under the free category can be completed by all the players. However, those under the premium category are not open to all and can only be completed by the players who have spent some cash and have bought the premium Battle Pass for Fortnite. The weekly challenges for the past few weeks have been extremely easy and the trend continues here. Week 7 Challenges are also as easy as it gets and most people would be able to complete them in no time at all. Usually Fortnite challenges have some element of mystery to them as you have to figure out exactly what the challenge requires you to do but it seems like Epic has been getting away from that for the past couple of weeks.
Fortnite Season 9 Week 7 Challenge List
The challenges for this week are straightforward. The free challenges require the player to search through the chests at specified areas on the map like Junk Junction and Neo Tilted, find ammo in specified areas and eliminating enemies via suppressed weapons. As far as the premium challenges are concerned, they’re more of the same. One requires the players to use a chest, vending machine and campfire while another requires eliminations. The rewards for the challenges this week are pretty hefty too considering their difficulty. Completing some really easy challenges can easily get you over 30 Battle Stars. Here’s the full list of challenges for Week 7 of Season 9.
Free Challenges
- Search 7 chests at Junk Junction or Neo Tilted – Worth 5 Battle Stars.
- Search 7 ammo boxes in different named locations – Worth 5 Battle Stars.
- 3 Suppressed weapon eliminations – Worth 10 Battle Stars.
Premium Challenges
- Deal 200 damage to opponents while riding a vehicle – Worth 10 Battle Stars.
- Stage 1: Visit The Block and Loot Lake in a single match – Worth 5 Battle Stars.
- Stage 2: Visit Fatal Fields and Neo Tilted in a single match three times – Worth 2 Battle Stars.
- Visit Snobby Shores and Mega Mall in a single match four times – Worth 2 Battle Stars.
- Search a chest, use a vending machine, and a campfire in a single match – Worth 10 Battle Stars.
- Three Eliminations from 5m or less – Worth 10 Battle Stars.
Week 7 Secret Battle Star Location (Utopia Challenge)
Apart from these challenges, there is also a special secret challenge every week. This is called the Utopia Challenge in Season 9. The Utopia Challenge for every week gets unlocked when all the other previous challenges have been completed by the player. Usually, this challenge contains a hidden Battle Star to level up the Battle Pass, a secret Banner to use as profile icon or a Fortbyte in case of even numbered week. As it is Week 7, the Utopia Challenge for this week requires you to find the hidden secret Battle Star on the map.

Completing all seven challenges from this week will unlock a special loading screen. These usually have clues that point towards the location of the hidden Battle Star. The special loading screen for this week shows the picture of characters fighting at the Pressure Plant. If you look towards the left side of the loading screen, you can spot the Battle Star on a set of stairs. Just hop into a match and go to that exact same location to claim your secret Battle Star and level up your Battle Pass.
Fortnite Version 9.30 Patch Notes
The Week 7 of challenges came along with the 9.30 update of Fortnite. The update added a new item called the Chug Splash which is like a healing grenade. It has a wide area of effect which can heal you and your teammates for up to 20 points. Some sniper limited time modes have also been added to the game as a part of the update. You can see the full patch notes for version 9.30 right here.