Here it is, the final week of Season 9 in Fortnite. The Week 10 of challenges is live now and it is the final chance for you to complete any backlog of challenges that you have. If you complete most of the challenges for this season, you’d be able to get to tier 100 and unlock the complete Season 9 Battle Pass. If you somehow stumbled upon this guide without really knowing much about Fortnite challenges, here’s the lowdown. Every week Fortnite gets a bunch of new challenges for the players to complete. Completing each challenge gives you a certain amount of Battle Stars which, in turn, level up your Battle Pass. This unlocks some pretty cool rewards including skins, costumes and dance moves.
The challenges for each week are divided into two categories, Free and Premium. The free challenges are available to everyone while the Premium ones are only available to the players who have bought the premium Battle Pass. There is also an additional challenge every week (called Utopia in Season 9) that can reward you with a secret Battle Star or Fortbyte. Currently, we’re into Week 10 which is the final week of Season 9. You can still go back and complete the previous challenges from the past weeks to catch up. However, once the clock ticks on to Season 10, that’s it for Season 9 and its challenges so you better hurry up. Anyway, let’s get into what challenges Week 10 has brought for us.
Season 9 Week 10 Challenge List
Free Challenges
- Use an Air Strike in 3 different matches – Worth 5 Battle Stars.
- Deal 500 damage to opponents with Shotguns – Worth 5 Battle Stars.
- Search 7 Ammo Boxes in a single match – Worth 10 Battle Stars.
Battle Pass Challenges
- Visit 5 different public service announcement signs in Neo Tilted, Pressure Plant or Mega Mall – Worth 5 Battle Stars.
- Collect Wood, Stone and Metal in 3 stages – Worth 2 Battle Stars.
- Stage 1: Collect 100 Wood from a Pirate Ship or Viking Ship.
- Stage 2: Collect 100 Stone from a Fork Knife or Umbrella.
- Stage 3: Collect 100 Metal from a Robot Factory.
- Eliminate 3 opponents in Pleasant Park or Paradise Palms – Worth 10 Battle Stars.
- Deal 200 Damage to opponents with a pickaxe – Worth 5 Battle Stars.
So, it looks like the challenges of Week 10 have some pretty good variety to them. Ranging from visiting places to damaging opponents using different weapons, looks like we have it all this week to round off the season. Thankfully, only a couple of challenges are hard enough to require additional brain power but we’ve got that sorted out for you as well.
Public Service Announcement Signs Locations
Most of the free challenges are pretty straightforward. Things start to get tricky when you look at the premium battle pass challenges. The first one of those requires you to visit 5 public service announcement signs scattered around the map in 3 specific locations. Those locations are mentioned on the challenges (Neo Tilted, Pressure Plant and Mega Mall) but you’d still have to roam around those areas to find the actual signs. These signs look like some sort of propaganda posters for a battle between a giant robot and monster. Anyway, we’ve done the legwork for you so here are the locations for all 5 public service announcement signs:

There are around 10 signs scattered around these locations. However, you’d be better off going to Pressure plant at first since a lot of signs there are pretty obvious and are easier to get to. There are some present to the south of the robot building and some in the stairway dam area. Just follow the path to the robot area to find some here.
The second place that you need to visit is the Mega Mall. Just roam around the mall area of Mega Mall to stumble upon some easy-to-spot announcement signs. By now, you should have visited more than enough signs but if you haven’t, there are a couple more present in Neo Tilted which are harder to get to so that isn’t really recommended.
Pirate Ship and Viking Ship Locations
The second challenge for premium Battle Pass players requires you to visit a Viking ship or a Pirate ship and harvest 100 wood off it. If you’ve been playing for some time, you probably know where these two are located. Just drop down to either one of the ships and collect 100 wood which is a pretty small amount. If you don’t know where the ships are located, here’s a map for you.
Secret Fortbyte No.33 Location (Utopia Challenge)
Finally, the last challenge for this week is the Utopia Challenge. This week, we have a Fortbyte instead of Battle Star so you don’t have to worry about completing previous challenges if you wish to claim this secret Fortbyte.
The clue for the Fortbyte no.33 is hidden in the special loading screen for Week 10. You can unlock the loading screen by completing all the challenges. However, you do not actually need to unlock the loading screen to get the Fortbyte. Anyway, if you look at the description of the loading screen, it says, “You’re a long way away from Lonely Lodge”. This means that Week 10 Utopia Challenge Fortbyte 33 is located at Lonely Lodge. Here’s a map for where you’ll find it.
Just go to the Lonely Lodge and enter the western most cabin in the area. You’ll find the Fortbyte here next to the bed. Just go and grab it to complete the Utopia Challenge for this week.
Season 9 Challenge Guides
If you haven’t completed any of the challenges from the previous weeks of Season 9, here’s a list of full guides for most of them.
Season 9 Week 1 Challenge Guide
Season 9 Week 2 Challenge Guide
Season 9 Week 3 Challenge Guide
Season 9 Week 4 Challenge Guide
Season 9 Week 7 Challenge Guide
Season 9 Week 8 Challenge Guide