With the official release of iOS 13 just around the corner, iPhone users are anxiously waiting for the update to try out the new features. However, before you all get excited, a bug has been discovered in the developer version of the upcoming operating system that allows anyone to access the contacts via the lock screen.
Yes, you’ve read that right. The long persistent issue with most iOS versions is back in its 13th iteration, once more, to give us security issues. We’ve seen it before. It’s similar every time and it’s discovered my more or less the same person. This time, the person who found out about it was Jose Rodriguez.

Rodriguez said that after discovering the exploit, he reported it to Apple back on July 17th. However, it doesn’t seem like Apple has done anything to fix this bug as Rodriguez claims it was still in the Gold Master (GM) version of iOS 13 that was released on September 19th.
As far as the working of this bypass is involved, you first have to activate a FaceTime call and then access the voiceover feature by Siri. That allows you to access the contacts via Siri and from there you can have a look at all the email addresses and phone numbers of the owner of the device. A video explaining and demonstrating this is a detailed method is available at the end.
Jose Rodriguez also discovered a similar bug in iOS 12.1 and every time it occurred, it could be exploited by almost the same method, which seems interesting from Apple’s part. Regardless, every time this happened, Apple was able to fix it in an update and this is probably what Apple will do. The patch will be available with iOS 13.1, which will be available on September 30th.