The first half of 2017 has already passed and it has been a great year for gamers up til now. Many big and interesting game titles have already been released, and still there are more upcoming games that will release this year. There are so many games that it is hard to catch up with all of them. We have listed down the games that we find the best out of others, below:
• Resident Evil 7:
The Resident Evil 7 is different from other Resident Evil games in the series. Before the series was focused on third person view but Resident Evil 7 has a first person view, which is exactly what is needed for a horror thrilling game.
This game concept in borrowed from first person horror games like Amnesia and Outlast. It is one of the best AAA horror game so far, the game feels genuinely scary featuring spooky corridors and scary creatures. The graphics are very realistic which provide immersive experience and the plot of the game is very interesting and scary.

• Destiny 2:
Destiny 2 is another big game which will be releasing tomorrow. The demo has already been out and the game looks really great. It is an online first person multiplayer shooting game. This game is a sequel to 2014’s Destiny. There are some new and cool features added to the game like a new solo campaign known as ‘Red War’.
The ‘Guided Games’ which is an optimal way of match making lets other players search up for clan and team up with experienced players to earn various bonuses. A new strike mission, known as the inverted spire has been added.

• Assassin’s Creed Origin:
Assassin’s Creed Origin is the latest game in the series, developed by Ubisoft. In 49 BCE, three civic establishments conflicted: customary Egyptians, Ptolemaic Greeks and infringing Romans. At the focal point of everything is Bayek: an Assassin attempting to explore history’s dim waters.
The world in Assassin’s Creed Origins is tremendous, the battle feels new and energizing, and the remade old Egyptian urban communities are exactly what fans have needed to see for quite a long time.

• What Remains Of Edith Finch:
What remains of Edith Finch is a first person adventure video game developed by Giant Sparrow will be releasing anytime soon this month, however no specific date has been mentioned by the developers.
The story is based on a girl named Edith and a cursed family. We play as Edith to explore and find out why Edith is only one alive in her family. When you will proceed in the game you will find your family members one by one and each family member dying at the end of the mission.
The Creative Director at the Giant Sparrow, Ian Dallas says, “There are definitely things that we have taken away from what other games have dome, generally and specifically. Even things as basic as we should cap the PC frame rate at 30 FPS, It’s something we were talking about atone point and it’s not something that you really notice for most of the game. The way that the game works, 60 vs 30 would almost be indistinguishable.”

• Prey:
Prey is a first person shooter video game developed by Akrane Studios. It was released today. The game is completely different from the original released in 2006 and shares very little common with. It is an immersive style classic combat game. the horrible mimics, who might be a chair or a coffee mug waiting to pounce, the gorgeous, open space station, and the freeform creative problem solving make Prey a great success.

• Pro Evolution Soccer – PES 18:
The Pro Evolution Soccer 18 developed by PES Productions is releasing on September 14. The demo for the game has already beem released and the pre-orders for the game are available. This game is one of the best series in sports line up. The gameplay is excellent and the graphics are very realistic in the demo .
The game will have UEFA Champions League Match Attax. The Pro Evolution Soccer never sells as well as FIFA but this time it seems like it is gonna blow out FIFA, as Konami has signed the deal with Topps Trading Cards.

• The Final Fantasy XII – The Zodiac Age:
This game is an improved version of tbe original game released for Play Station 2 in 2006. It is a fantasy role playing game and has been remastered with some pretty good visuals and notable differences. Another Final Fantasy game will be releasing this year in November, the game is called ‘Monster Of The Deep’.