Most of us have no prior training in first aid emergency. Whether it is dealing with minimal emergency or severe emergency cases, such as dealing with cardiac arrest, we really lack the basic skills to help someone in need. But seems like all that is about to change. Whether we know how to give CPR or not, we will be able to save a choking person or bring someone back to life suffering from a sudden cardiac arrest by AutoPulse Resuscitation System. A device that could save countless lives once made available.
Victims of a sudden cardiac arrest can be assisted at home before rushing them to the hospital by using AutoPulse, created by the ZOLL Medical Corporation. The device provides a high-quality automated CPR without any interruption. In comparison to manual CPR, the stabilizing device has been proven to reduce interruptions in compressions by more than 85% during transport. Besides, CPR given by humans can lag in many ways, from people not being able enough to provide it to the intermittent pauses humans may take while performing it. The AutoPulse is easy to use and will assist without any pauses.
Zoll is well-known in developing and marketing medical devices and software solutions that help advance emergency care. And its latest product is just that, here to change the way CPR has been given through ages.The battery operated device, once put on the victim of cardiac arrest squeezes the entire chest of the individual. This in return will help in improving the blood flow to the heart and brain. And just as CPR works, one two three and the AutoPulse automatically sizes to the patient. So far the device has been clinically tested and has only shown positive and improved results.

AutoPulse has been invented to help revive the patient ‘on the move’. In other words, in between taking the patient to the hospital from the place he or she experienced a sudden cardiac arrest, the device can be placed to help revive the victim.
The most effective part of the UK-based company’s device is that it does not stop giving CPR irrespective of where the victim is at that moment in time. For instance, the AutoPulse stabilizing board is placed on the chest of the victim while he is being carried on the stretcher by the rescuers, who can continue transporting the patient without worrying about the break in first aid emergency during their commute as the device keeps providing CPR once placed on the patient’s chest. From steep stairwells to cramped elevators, the AutoPulse will continue providing high-quality CPR without being interrupted.
Whether the device is effective or not, will only be known once it’s publicly made available. In fact, its success will also be determined by how accessible it would be to the average consumer, primarily depending on what it has been priced at.But one thing is for sure, that AutoPulse Resuscitation System will change the way of how people deal with emergency care, paying the way for modern technology to cater to patients at every stage.