The Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, which once installed on a smartphone, can then be played virtually anywhere you want. Pocket Camp is known for all the vibrant colors and energy associated with it. The Pocket Camp series is surely going to provide with the peace that you badly want.
Furthermore, you are able to relax and calm yourself, after so much we all go through every day by engaging with lovable characters.
The basic theme of the Pocket Camp is same as that of its predecessors; make new friends and collect things. But, there is more to it than just this. By the help of materials, you obtain, you are to craft your very own furniture, for the campsite the game is set in.
Apart from this, the rest is pretty much same as the rest of the Animal Crossing Games. You just go out there and talk with animals to befriend them. This makes you feel like animals are also part of the community in which we so carelessly live.
You are provided with your own campsite which you can customize and also have the option to invite your friends over to your place. This means that it is a sort of a small simulation so that you can take a much-needed break.
This game is good for those who suffer from stress or depression. It is not that everyone in the world is stress-free, so it might be beneficial for many to engage in this game if they don’t feel like resorting to other ways like taking a walk to reduce their anxiety.
When you are asked by the game to catch fish and bugs or pick fruit, this essentially means that it is your own space and your moment of being there.
Furthermore, furniture crafting is also an option. This might take some time though, ranging from a few minutes to hours. This means that if it takes hours, then this easily teaches you patience. This is contrary to what we are used to these days by instantaneous gratification.
This is apparent by the sudden likes and comments we receive immediately when we post on social media. If you really want to finish up building up something, then you will have to spend some real cash on “leaf tickets”, but it’s better to wait.
Since its available on your smartphone, therefore you can easily play it anywhere you feel like. This is because the previous versions of Animal Crossing were available on the Nintendo DS since obviously, you won’t be taking your DS everywhere, but surely your smartphone would be going along where you do.
For those who feel like taking a short break in between the day, it is also beneficial since the ulterior motive is for you complete some tasks and then the animal will send you a friend request.
Like mentioned above, if you want to unlock more tasks, then you can do so by buying leaf tickets, but then what’s the point of the game hun?
Our final advice for you would be to play it in between your day, rather than playing it in one long run.