Windows 10 Spring Creators Update is around the corner. Microsoft is expected to bring in some new features with the update, so it might be time for you to prepare your computer for the much-awaited update.
Though small updates are there nearly every week, this is one of the major updates which is a custom for Microsoft now. The Fall and Spring Creators update provides new features, therefore to enjoy the new update at its earliest, you might need to some simple housecleaning. The update will be free of course and should happen without any problems if you follow the instructions correctly.
File Backup is a must
Before you go ahead with any major operating system update, you should always back up your PC, in case anything goes wrong. If your laptop hard drive comprises mainly of photos, the easiest way to backup them up is to upload them to a cloud storage platform such as Dropbox or Google Drive. The same goes for files not going over a certain limit. In case your online storage is filled up and you don’t want to buy extra storage then you can simply backup your files and photos on to an External Hard Drive.
There is a built-in program in Windows which you can access by heading over to Settings and then choosing Backup inside Update & Security.
Keep a full system Backup as well
It might be possible that the update fails and you are left without a functioning operating system even though you had already backed up files and photos. It might be tedious to install Windows again on, and then apply all your favorite settings and install apps again. So what you can just make a full System backup, which creates a system of your PC.
This will allow you to restore your PC to the working state which was at the time of the Backup.
If you need help on creating a full system backup in Windows 10, then you can get some over here.
Free up Space
As cliché, it may sound, but you need to have some space on your hard drive especially your Windows partition, so that the update may download and execute without getting into low space issues. If there are just a couple of Gigabytes left on your Windows partition or even others, then it might be a good team to do a simple Housecleaning. To help you get started, here is how you can free up some drive space in Windows 10.
Remove any not needed connected devices to your machine
It is always wise to remove any not needed peripherals before updating your PC. There have been problems with updates in the past, because of some device which wasn’t letting the PC update. So to avoid that happening altogether, it is best to only update your machine while only a Mouse and Keyboard is connected to it.
You can always install the external devices after the update is completed and find the relevant drivers.
Temporarily disable security utilities
To prevent any hiccups, do turn off your Anti-Virus programs and stuff before you begin with the update. Though do turn them on, when you are done updating. To turn them off, head over to Settings > Update & security > Windows Security and choose the Open Windows Defender Security Center. From there disable Windows Defender’s built-in security tools. You should open your other Anti-Virus’s Settings, and turn them off until you have updated.