In case you were starting to think that PUBG was getting boring, you’re in for a treat. The internet is buzzing with gameplay videos of what looks like a major overhaul of the Battle Royale game that we’ve all loved. How have the developers at Tencent Games managed to make it more interesting? Let’s find out.
Payload Mode

The most noteworthy of the features of the update is the inclusion of the new Payload Mode. You will find it in the EvoGround category but it’s nothing like anything we’ve seen before. Like a Classic match, it involves 100 people landing on the Erangel map, where they have to find weapons and objects to survive and kill enemies. Except that there will be new weapons for you to try out. You can now find and shoot with RPGs and Grenade Launchers, which will, without doubt, turn things up to 11.
Also in Payload Mode, you can find some new vehicles to travel around. The one I’m most excited about is the addition of Helicopters. Yes, you’ve read that right. You, along with your teammates, will be able to ride inside helicopters. Pair that with RPGs and I can assure you, things will not get boring anytime soon.
Another vehicle that’s included in this mode is the BRDM-2 armored tank that will protect you from enemy bullets far more effectively than the already existing Armored UAZ does. It is also amphibian meaning you can drive on both land and water.
You will also be able to recall dead teammates by collecting their ID cards within 120 minutes of their death. You then will have to take the ID cards to the cell towers to recall that particular teammate. Needless to say, everyone will be playing this mode when the update drops.
New TDM Map

Personally, I loved the Team Deathmatch (TDM) mode that was a part of EvoGround. However, there was only one warehouse map and things started getting dull after a while. Thankfully, that has been dealt with and now we will have a new map to play around in. It has new hiding places where you can sit safely, waiting for the opponent team to come by before you pelt them with bullets.
Exploding Gas Cannisters

This feature was a long time coming and I’m glad the game developers at Tencent Games finally went through and made this happen. The gas can, that was previously used only to fill fuel into the vehicles, will now explode if you fire enough bullets at it. I know it may not seem like a big deal but it actually is. Apart from bringing an overall change in the game dynamics, it will also give us some creative opportunities to get rid of enemies as the explosion has a similar effect to a frag grenade, except that the enemy won’t see (or hear) it coming.
New Grenade Skins

This one is for those of you who love customization. Previously, we had skins to customize our guns the way we wanted but the same could not be said about frag grenades. Well, now it’s possible. You will able to to get or purchase skins for the frag grenades so that you may kill the enemy, with a bit of style. It won’t appeal to the majority of us, but some will definitely appreciate this.
UMP9 and Vector Ammo Exchange and New Guns

Lastly, we have an update regarding the two most common SMGs in the game. UMP9 and Vector. Previously, the ammo used in these guns was 9mm and .45ACP respectively. Now, they’ve switched it so that UMP9 will use .45ACP and Vecto will use 9mm. I’m not sure why that is but I guess gun enthusiasts will probably know or even appreciate the difference.
In addition to this, we will also get the famous Desert Eagle pistol and MP5 SMG that we love from other shooting games. Both will use 9mm ammo and will be available in all modes unlike the RPGs and Grenade Launchers.