Grand Theft Auto V is an open-world action-adventure game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar games. The game was officially released in September 2013 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, in November 2014 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox one with improvements to make the experience better with the better consoles.
Lastly, the version that the gaming community was waiting for the PC version of the game was released in April 2015. The difference between the game for the PC, 7th gen consoles and the 6th gen consoles other than vastly improved graphics quality is the ability to switch between first-person perspective and third-person perspective during the gameplay.
Rockstar had to improve the calibrations of every gun in the game and visuals to incorporate the first-person perspective in the game. The game has over 100 hours of gameplay, engaging campaign that has three switchable characters and the multiplayer mode that was considered to be the best for the time.
The game was praised for the optimizations on the PC version especially after the disastrous PC release of its predecessor. Although the game is very old, many people still play the game and if you have not played the game, yet you should play at least once, and the game is very cheap nowadays. The game is optimized, but it still requires some care to run on different computers with different specifications. That is why we will tell you how you can adjust the different in-game settings to make your experience better.
Low-end PC
You can play the game in the low-end PC that does not has a graphics card due to immense optimizations. You may have to play ta 720p though and most of the in-game settings set to low. Now, most of you may think that you would have to turn down every aspect of in-game settings to get a playable game, that is not entirely true. As the game is an open-world game, it depends upon the processor as well as on the Graphics card, if you have a good processor than you may hit the 30 FPS mark. Firstly, turn down the resolution that would be the resolution of your screen to 1280×720, the resolution scales to almost every screen, and the loss of quality is not that huge too.

Then make sure that your overall settings are set to low with DirectX 11, most of the settings do not affect the overall performance, but they can make visuals better. Turn up the Reflection resolution to medium; ambient occlusion should also be set to medium too.
For distance scaling, you would have to fiddle around with numbers and determine your best setting. For the rest, if your system is delivering performance with framerates in the 40s or 50s, then you may opt for a better texture quality which will make the overall graphics setting much better, but the framerates will drop to 20s or less. All in all, it’s a give and take, it is recommended to get a Graphics card.
Low-end Graphics card
If you don’t have a big budget, but still want to upgrade to a Graphics card, then most of the current gen Graphics cards can play most games at low settings, but they are much better than the integrated graphics. Moreover, they are much cheaper nowadays. Most of the low-end graphics cards have 2GB of VRAM, and as the GTA V is an open world game, it requires more VRAM to process the textures. 2GB of VRAM is just enough only for textures at medium quality. To play the game at its full on these low-end graphics cards make sure that your resolution is 1080p set Direct X to Dx11and, turn overall settings to medium.

Now turn up your texture resolution to medium, reflection resolution to high and anti-aliasing to FXAA, since the graphics card is not that powerful. Save the settings and enjoy the game at around 50 FPS.
Mid and high-end Graphics cards
Since the game was released back in 2015, most current mid-end Graphics cards can graphically perform similarly to what a high-end graphics card would offer, with lower framerates of course. Most mid-end Graphics cards come with 4GB of VRAM some also offer VRAM up to 6GB or 3GB. The texture quality will depend upon the VRAM your Graphics card offers, if the VRAM is 4GB then you can play the games at ultra setting at 1080p with framerates in the 70s and 1440p with around 50 FPS on average. Other settings can also be turned up to ultra.

For high-end Graphics cards you do not need to worry about the settings, the game will play at its best whatever the resolution you choose for the game. The GTX 1080s, 1070s, high-end Radeon and VEGA GPUs, can play GTA V at ultra settings in 4k with framerates ranging from 40s to mid-60s.
RELATED: Best Graphics Cards for gaming in 2018

The guide is not rigorous, but if you follow this and do some alterations your experience with the GTA V would be better than before.
ALSO READ: How to upgrade or install graphics cards in your PC