The Grand Theft Auto 5 is an action and adventure game published and developed by Rockstar Studios. It was first released on 17th September 2013 and is the latest game in the GTA series. This is an open world game which lets you freely travel around the San Andreas’ and Los Santos (a fictional city based on Los Angeles).
The Grand Theft Auto 5 is a very detailed game which allows the developers to slip in many secrets and Easter eggs to explore. The world of the game is so big that regardless of over 33 million players who spend hours and hours on the game, new Easter eggs are still being discovered till this date.
Here is our list of 18 amazing GTA V Easter eggs and secrets that you might not know and will make you wanna replay the game immediately. The list is not in any particular order.
• There is a ghost in the game which can be spotted at Mount Gordo between 11:00 pm at midnight and you will be able to see a dead ghost woman at the top of the mountain from a distance if you zoom in with a sniper. However, if you go close the woman disappears and she leaves a mark saying Jock, the name of her husband, based on a true story who pushed her off the cliff to kill her.

• Throwback to the Grove Street Trio – GTA San Andreas’ fans have a special surprise for them as during a mission on the way to Grove Street you will see CJ, Big Smoke and Sweet cycling around just like in the GTA San Andreas’.

• There are 4 UFOs in the game which can be seen after 100% completion of the game. However, you will be able to see a UFO at the beginning, underwater near the northern most point of the map. The other ones can only be seen after you complete the game, the first one can be seen above Fort Zancudo, the second one near Sandy Shores and the last one can be seen above Mount Chiliad only during a thunderstorm.
• Speaking of UFOs, you can also see a frozen alien if you drive down the embankment under the bridge. The Corpse of the alien can clearly gaze through the ice in the frozen river.
• You can make your character closely reassemble Max Payne from the Max Payne 3 (a game also developed by Rockstar Studios) by going at a Suburban store and throwing on a Hawaiian parrot print shirt and aviators, getting bald and growing a beard.

• You can experience the re enactment of the scene from a famous movie ‘No Country for Old Men’ at the north-western point of the map. You will also find some free money there.
• You can visit a location that is an obvious nod to the Playboy mansion where you will find topless girls and a big pool.
• Serial killer Scavenger Hunt – Merel Abraham, a real life serial killer who is obsessed with the number 8. You’ll find graffiti of his exploits all over San Andreas’ that you can follow to visit his house, his grave, the prison and even tells where he hides the bodies and you can find those bodies under the ocean.

• There’s a novel in the game about Red Dead Redemption (also a game developed by Rockstar Studios) written by John Marston, the protagonist of the game. This book can be found in Franklin’s bookshelf.
• Niko Bellic’s Life Invader Page – If you walk around Michael’s house you will see his son Jimmy browsing Niko’s Life Invader Page which shows what the GTA 4 protagonist is up to these days.

• Another video game reference can be seen near a Chinese theater where a street performer looks like Master Chief from a very popular game the Halo.

• If you travel to Mount Chiliad you will see that there is a face textured to one of the sides of the mountain. Some people say that this is the face of Jessie Pinkman from Breaking Bad others say that it is the face of one of the developers of the game.
• The Hatch from a famous TV show The Lost makes an appearance in the game. This can be found deep in the ocean where your player can dive underwater, however, you can not enter it.
• In the middle of the wilderness, you will find a tap dancer which references the real life tap dancer Hill Billy named Jesco White.
• You can find a machine or a generator at some construction site that looks like and is painted exactly as Claptrap from Borderlands 2.
• The Posters and records from Maddog can be found in Franklin’s house on the hill this another sign of the character from Grand Theft Auto San Andreas’
• The Floyd’s apartment has the same layout as Melanie’s apartment in Jackie Brown.
• Franklin upgrades some cars in the game for a mission at a point you bring a vehicle to the garage that has a black light list on the wall of the remaining vehicles, this is the reference to the movie ‘Gone In 60 Seconds’.
These Easter eggs show that GTA V is a very detailed game. There are other tons of Easter eggs out there waiting to get explored. If you know some cool Easter eggs or secrets, tell us about them in the comments section.