Week 8 of Season 9 is now underway in Fortnite and as always, bring some new challenges and content to the game. This week’s challenges are a part of the Fortnite Patch 9.30 which has also introduced a new summer event with its own set of challenges. If you’re not familiar with Fortnite weekly challenges, here’s a quick summary. Fortnite introduces new challenges into the game every week. You can earn Battle Stars by completing these challenges. Battle Stars can be used to level up a player’s Battle Pass which in turn unlocks new skins, dances and other rewards.
The weekly challenges in Fortnite come in two sets, Free and Premium. Free challenges can be completed by all the players who own the game. On the other hand, Premium challenges are restricted only to the players who have spent money on the game and have bought the premium Battle Pass for Fortnite. Apart from these two challenges, there is also a third challenge every week (called Utopia in Season 9) which can be completed to earn a secret Battle Star, Banner or a Fortbyte.
Season 9 Week 8 Challenge List
The challenges for this week are slightly more complicated than last week. Some of them require you to visit clocks which you’d need to find on the map. However, we’ve done all the legwork for you and you can read on for the exact locations for each of those clocks. Other challenges require players to land at specific locations and get eliminations.
- Apply 400 Shields – Worth 5 Battle Stars.
- Visit 3 different clocks – Worth 5 Battle Stars.
- Eliminate 7 opponents in Snobby Shores or Mega Mall – Worth 10 Battle Stars.
- Deal 500 damage to opponents with Assault Rifles – Worth 5 Battle Stars.
- Stage 1: Land at Paradise Palms – Worth 1 Battle Star.
- Stage 2: Land at Neo Tilted – Worth 1 Battle Star.
- Stage 3: Land at Mega Mall – Worth 1 Battle Star.
- Stage 4: Land at Pleasant Park – Worth 1 Battle Star.
- Stage 5: Land at Junk Junction – Worth 1 Battle Star.
- Use a Volcano Vent, Air Vent, and a Zip line in a single match – Worth 10 Battle Stars.
- Get 5 eliminations outside of named locations – Worth 10 Battle Stars.
Visit Clock Locations Challenge
The trickiest challenge this week requires you to go out into the world and trace down some clocks. In order to complete the channel, you just have to visit them so no dancing or anything required here. There are five clocks around the map out of which, visiting any three would complete the challenge. Here are the locations for each of the five clocks:
- Junk Junction: This clock can be found near the broken tower in Junk Junction. It is located at the foot of the tower.
- Neo Tilted: The Neo Tilted clock can be found at the top of the big clock tower with the time projection.
- Happy Hamlet: This particular clock can be found in the clock tower located right in the middle of Happy Hamlet.
- Sunny Steps: This is not exactly a clock but still counts as one. The supposed clock here is actually the sundial present in the middle of Sunny Steps. Visiting it also counts as visiting a clock.
- Fatal Fields: This one is actually present right between Fatal Fields and Paradise Palms. Just go along the border between G9 and H9 to find it.
If you still can’t figure out where the clocks are, here is a map that has all the locations encircled on it.

14 Days of Summer Challenges
Another event currently going on is the 14 days of Summer event. It has added additional challenges into the game and these can be completed within 21 days. There will be a total of 14 challenges but since only 5 days have passed since the start of the event, we only have 5 challenges unlocked so far. Most of them are pretty straightforward. However, unlike the weekly challenges, completing these challenges will get you some special and unique rewards. Here’s a list of the challenges so far:
- Dance at different Beach Parties (6) — Deep End emote
- Bounce a giant Beach Ball in different matches (5) — Soak It Up loading screen
- Eliminations with the daily unvaulted weapon or a Drum Gun (5) — Water Balloon toy
- Thank the Bus Driver and finish top 20 in different matches (5) — Perfect Blend emoticon
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Giant Beach Ball Challenge
The only tricky challenge so far in the 14 days of summer challenge is the one in which you have to bounce some giant Beach Balls. These beach balls can be found at 3 different locations. The first one is located on the border of D3 and E3 if you go south from The Block. The second one is located to the south west of Dusty Divot, on the western part of F6. Finally, the third one is on the border between H7 and I7, north west from Paradise Palms. Here’s a map for the locations of beach balls.

As with most other challenges, other people would be trying it too so you’d have to be careful about not getting killed. One thing you could do is land on those locations exactly on the balls so that they’d move. Once you’ve bounced a total of five balls, the challenge would be complete.
Fortbyte #97 Location (Utopia Challenge Week 8)
Apart from the usual sets of challenges, there is also a third challenge every week that has a hidden Battle Star, Banner or Fortbyte on the map. This week’s Utopia Challenge has a Fortbyte as reward. If you have completed all the challenges from Week 8, you’ll get a special loading screen. It has clues in it that point to the location of the Fortbyte. However, in order to get the Fortbyte, completing the challenges is not required. Anyway, the Fortbyte is located in the Bao Brothers restaurant at Lucky Landing. If you go up to the second floor, you’d find the Fortbyte sitting next to the workout bench.
Apart from these challenges, a new limited time event will be added every day as part of the 14 days of summer event. These will include some older modes like the John Wick LTM or the Wick’s Bounty and some new ones like Splashdown Squads which involves some water balloon fights. This is all a part of the 9.30 patch for Fortnite. You can read the full patch notes for 9.30 right here.
If you still haven’t completed the challenges from Week 7, you can see our guide here.