We’re already into the second week of Season 9 of Fortnite. Season 9 of Fortnite came with a whole new Battle Pass and many new cosmetics. It also brought some massive changes to the map with the addition of slipstreams. Now, we’re into Week 2 of Season 9 and have some new challenges for Week 2 as well. You’re probably familiar with how these weekly challenges work.
However, if you’re not, here’s the lowdown: Every week has new challenges that you can complete. These challenges result in you earning some Battle Stars which are then used to level up the Battle Pass. Leveling up the Battle Pass unlocks new rewards like cosmetics.
Like every other challenge week, the Week 2 of Season 9 also has two tiers of challenges, Premium and Free. The premium challenges are only available to players who own the premium Battle Pass. The free challenges, on the other hand, are available to be completed by all the players. In addition to these challenges, there is a secret challenge every week that unlocks after all the previous ones have been completed.
This challenge is called the Utopia Challenge in Season 9 and players can earn an additional Battle Star, a Banner or a Fortbyte depending on the reward for that week. Most of the Week 2 challenges are pretty straightforward. There are only a couple of them which involve visiting locations that might be tricky find. We’ve got the guide to all of such challenges down below.
Season 9 Week 2 Challenge List
Free Challenges
- Launch off of Air Vents in 5 different matches. This is worth 5 Battle Stars.
- Stage 1: Land at Snobby Shores. Doing this gives you 1 Battle Star.
- Eliminate opponents in Sunny Steps or Shifty Shafts. Worth 10 Battle Stars.
Premium Challenges
- Deal 500 damage with Pistols to opponents. This is worth 5 Battle Stars.
- Visit an oversized Phone, a big Piano, and a giant Dancing Fish trophy. Completing this gets you 5 Battle Stars.
- Search a chest in 3 different named locations in a single match. This is worth a whopping 10 Battle Stars.
- Stage 1: Eliminate an opponent from at least 50m away. This is worth 3 Battle Stars.
Oversized Phone, Big Piano and Dancing Fish Trophy Locations
This challenge is one of the trickier challenges in Week 2 that might require some hard work if you’re not very familiar with the map. It requires you to visit an oversized phone, a big piano and a giant dancing fish trophy. This challenge is a part of the Premium challenges and is worth a total of 5 Battle Stars. In order to finish the challenge, you need to visit these three things scattered around the map. Let’s see where all these things are located:

Oversized Phone Location
The oversized phone is the easiest one to find since there are two of them on the map. Visiting either one of them will be enough for you to complete the challenge. The first oversized phone is located in the top part of the map between Lazy Lagoon and The Block. Just head east from The Block and you’ll stumble upon it. The second Oversized Phone is located in the lower part of the map to the west of Fatal Fields. You’ll probably see it when you head west from Fatal Fields and enter the snow biome.
Big Piano Location
Unlike the Oversized Phone, there is only a single Big Piano located on the map. It is located on the very far east point of the map near Lonely Lodge. Just head east from the Lonely Lodge to find the Big Piano or more specifically, the big Keyboard landmark there.
Dancing Fish Trophy Location
After finding both the Big Piano and Oversized Phone, only the Dancing Fish Trophy would be left. There is only one Dancing Fish Trophy on the map and it is located near the new Mega Mall. Just head southwest from the Mega Mall to get to the Dancing Fish Trophy.
Once you’ve managed to find and visit all three of these, the challenge will be completed and you’ll get 5 Battle Stars for it.
Week 2 Utopia Challenge: Secret Fortbyte Location
Once you’ve completed all of the seven previous challenges from this week, you’ll unlock a special new loading screen. Like every week, this loading screen has some custom artwork with hidden clues as well. However, one thing is different this time. Rather than getting a secret Battle Star or a secret Banner as a reward for completing the Utopia Challenge, you can now get a Fortbyte for completing this week’s Utopia Challenge. Another thing that is different is that you don’t even need to have unlocked the loading screen to get the Fortbyte as it will spawn into the map anyway.

The clue for Week 2’s Utopia Challenge is not actually in the artwork of the loading screen but is in the description. It says “Last seen battling at Dino Park outhouse, these two cannot be stopped”. So, where you need to go is the Dino Park outhouse to get your secret Fortbyte. Just head to the dinosaur statues to the south of Paradise Palms and collect the Fortbyte by destroying the outhouse. You can also look at the map down below to find out the exact location of the Fortbyte.
If you haven’t completed challenges from Week 1 of Season 9, you can finish them by consulting our Week 1 Challenge guide. The Week 2 is a part of the 9.01 update that has introduced a new weapon and has also brought a new John Wick special event with it. Check out the full patch notes for update 9.01 right here.