In Octopath Traveler 2, each main party member has a unique story chapter, which players can experience individually. These chapters typically involve exploring dungeons, battling bosses, and uncovering plot-related information specific to each character.
Unlike the first game, there is more overlap between the characters’ stories in Octopath Traveler 2. Companions will often interact with each other through party banter, which provides players with additional insight into the characters’ personalities and backgrounds.
The game also introduces a new feature called Shared Stories, which are unique interactions between specific pairs of characters that occur during certain parts of the game. The game is designed to allow players to experience each character’s story separately, with their unique path to follow.
The other seven characters are present in each character’s story, but they don’t play a major role in the story. However, players can their assist characters in battles, provide moral support, or even participate in side quests.
After completing all eight individual stories, the game unlocks the final Chapter, where all the stories come together to form a single narrative. The final Chapter ties up loose ends and reveals connections between the characters’ stories that may not have been apparent during their chapters.
To unlock the Final Chapter in Octopath Traveler 2, players must complete all eight storylines for the game’s eight travelers and the four Crossed Paths stories in which the travelers pair up. Once players have completed all of these requirements, the Final Chapter will become available when they visit the campsite in the Southern Cropdale Trail region.
Players need to heed the game’s warning to save in a different slot before starting the Final Chapter because they cannot return to the main game until they have defeated a tough boss fight.
As the Final Chapter is much more challenging than the previous chapters in the game, players should prepare by having a well-balanced party, equipping them appropriately, and taking advantage of each character’s unique abilities and strengths.
Octopath Traveler 2 requires players to undertake a difficult task to end the eternal night in the game. In order to do so, players must relight four flame candles across the map while facing challenging enemies and bosses. However, helpful clues are provided, such as the locations being places players have previously visited and specific areas of concentrated dark energy surrounding each candle on the map.
These flames are located in different regions of Solistia, and players can visit them in any order. However, it is recommended that players start with the Flamechurch location because it contains one of the flames that must be relit. The Danger Level has been increased to 51 in each location, making it easier for players to identify the correct locations.
Upon entering the Final Chapter, the game’s rules change significantly. All eight protagonists travel together, and players can switch out the active party at any time using the “Formation” option in the main menu.
To prepare for a boss fights against Arcanette, who has eight shields and is vulnerable to polearms, axes, cold, and lightning, players should rest and save before fast-traveling to town.
During the battle, Arcanette will summon Servants of the Night to aid her, but players can stun her and break through her shields with the help of a Scholar or two. Afterward, players can relight the flame in the Cathedral. However, players who completed the “Pilgrim Protection” side story before starting the Final Chapter won’t face any random enemies in the area.
It is also important to note that to relight the flame in the Cathedral Grounds, players need to have Throné and Temenos in their active party to activate the statues of Aeber and Aelfric.
The Shiny Mirror item obtained during their Crossed Paths story can relight the flame from the inventory, and Tanzy’s Journal can be found beside the torch for additional context.
The next flame can be found in the Tranquil Grotto in the Eastern Ku Sands, where players will encounter tough shadow monsters that Ochette cannot capture. Using the Shiny Mirror with Hikari and Agnea will activate the statues and relight the torch without a boss fights at the end.