Scott Cawthon is the creator of the popular horror game series, Five Nights at Freddy‘s (FNAF), which revolves around animatronic animals. These creatures are programmed to amuse kids during the daytime, but they take on a more ominous role when night falls, actively hunting the player. One of the game’s most recognizable and significant characters is Bonnie, a rabbit-like animatronic distinguished by its purple coloration.
However, in the latest installment of the game, Security Breach, Bonnie is nowhere to be found, leading some fans to speculate that Monty may have killed Bonnie. This article will delve into this theory and explore the evidence for and against it.
First, let us talk about Monty. Monty is a new character introduced in Security Breach, and he is a green animatronic alligator. He is part of a band of animatronics that work in the Pizza Plex, the game’s setting. Monty is the guitarist in the band, and his personality is described as brash and impulsive.
Now, let us examine the evidence for Monty killing Bonnie. One of the main pieces of evidence is a line of dialogue from Glamrock Chica, another animatronic character in the game. She says in one of her lines, “Monty never was very good at sharing.” Some fans have taken this to mean that Monty may have killed Bonnie to eliminate any competition for the role of guitarist in the band.
One potential clue that fans have cited is a quick scene in the game where the player is walking through a backstage area. In this room, there are posters of various animatronics, including Bonnie, which is marked with an “X.” While some fans have taken this as a sign that Bonnie has been eliminated, it’s unclear what the “X” actually signifies. Additionally, there is a brief moment in the game where a glimpse of a purple rabbit animatronic can be seen in the background. At the same time, the player is being chased by an animatronic. Some fans have speculated that this could be Bonnie and that Monty has repurposed him for his purposes.
There is no definitive evidence to back up the claim that Monty was the one who caused Bonnie’s death.
The game does not directly indicate that Monty was responsible for Bonnie’s disappearance. While some of Glamrock Chica’s dialogue could be interpreted as suspicious, she could also be referring to Monty’s general personality and behavior rather than any specific incident involving Bonnie.
Furthermore, there are several other possible explanations for Bonnie’s absence from the game. For example, it could be that Bonnie’s programming malfunctioned or that he was decommissioned due to wear and tear. It is also worth noting that Bonnie’s absence is not unprecedented in the FNAF series – there have been other games where certain characters were not featured.
Other factors in the game could provide alternate explanations for Bonnie’s absence. For example, one of the critical themes of Security Breach is the idea of hiding and sneaking around to avoid animatronics. Bonnie has been deliberately left out of the game to make it more challenging for players.
Another point is that the FNAF series is known for its intricate lore and hidden clues. Bonnie’s absence may be part of a larger mystery revealed in future game installments. Fans of the series are known for their ability to dissect every detail of the game and piece together the hidden storylines, so there is more to Bonnie’s absence than meets the eye.
While some evidence supports the theory that Monty killed Bonnie in FNAF: Security Breach, several pieces contradict this theory. It is important to remember that the FNAF series is known for its intricate lore and hidden clues, and there may be more to Bonnie’s absence than meets the eye. It is also worth noting that Bonnie’s absence is not unprecedented in the series, and there could be other explanations for his disappearance.
Ultimately, it is up to each player to decide whether they believe Monty killed Bonnie. The FNAF series is known for its ability to spark debate and speculation among its fans, and the mystery surrounding Bonnie’s absence is just one example of this. As the series continues to evolve and new installments are released, we will likely learn more about the fate of Bonnie and the other animatronic characters in the game. Whether Monty killed Bonnie remains a subject of much debate and speculation among fans of the series.