New World, an MMORPG developed by Amazon Game Studios, is set on a fictional island named Aeternum, which is located in the Atlantic Ocean during the 17th century. The game’s story takes place in this unique setting as players explore Aeternum and encounter increasingly difficult challenges and foes as they progress through the game.
Players embark on a journey to explore the mysterious island, discover its secrets, and battle against supernatural forces. One of the core gameplay mechanics of New World is the acquisition of gear, weapons, and items that improve the player’splayer’s character stats and abilities.
The New World “Watermark” is a term used to describe the quality of gear drops that players receive from defeating enemies or completing quests. The watermarking system is designed to provide players with a way to increase the gear drops they receive over time, allowing them to acquire more powerful items and equipment as they progress through the game.
What is the Watermark System?
The Watermark system is a mechanic that is unique to New World. It is a method for players to increase their gear drops over time. When a player defeats an enemy or completes a quest, they can receive a piece of gear. The player’splayer’s watermark level determines the quality of the gear. A player’splayer’s watermark level is a hidden number representing the average quality of gear drops received.
For example, if a player’splayer’s watermark level is 500, they will have a higher chance of receiving gear drops around level 500. This means they will have a better chance of receiving rare, epic, or legendary items than players with a lower watermark level.
How to Increase Your Watermark Level?
There are several ways to increase your watermark level in New World. Participating in end-game activities such as expeditions, invasions, and elite zone farming is the most common way. These activities have a higher chance of dropping gear above a player’splayer’s watermark level. Players can also increase their watermark level by completing quests and faction missions and defeating bosses.
Each time a player receives a piece of gear, their watermark level will increase by a small amount. The degree of increase varies according to the quality of the dropped gear.
For example, if a player receives a rare item, their watermark level will increase significantly more than if they received a standard item.
It is important to note that the watermark level only applies to gear drops received after the player has reached level 60. Before level 60, gear drops are determined by the player’splayer’s current level, not their watermark level.
Why is the Watermark System Important?
The Watermark system is an essential part of New World’sWorld’s end-game content.
As the game progresses, players are faced with tougher enemies and obstacles.
To overcome these obstacles, players need to acquire better gear and equipment.
The Watermark system allows players to improve their gear drops over time continually. This means that players can gradually increase their character’s power and take on more challenging content. With the watermark system, players could access the gear drops they receive at lower levels, limiting their ability to progress through the end-game content.
Tips for Upgrading Your Loot Drops
Now that we have covered the basics of the Watermark system, let’slet’s take a look at some tips for upgrading your loot drops.
Focus on End-Game Activities
The best way to increase your watermark level is by participating in end-game activities such as expeditions, invasions, and elite zone farming. These activities have a higher chance of dropping gear above your watermark level.
Complete Faction Missions
Faction missions are a great way to increase your watermark level. Each faction has a series of missions that can be completed for rewards, including gear drops. Players can also increase their reputation by completing faction missions and unlocking new missions and rewards.
Participate in PvP Battles
PvP battles are another way to increase your watermark level. By defeating enemy players in PvP battles, players have a chance to receive gear drops that are above their current watermark level.
Upgrade Your Gear Regularly
Upgrading your gear regularly can help improve your character’s-character’s overall stats and abilities, making it easier to tackle more challenging content. Players can upgrade their gear by using crafting and refining stations to increase their quality and power.
Join a Company
Joining a company or guild can provide players additional support and resources to help them progress through the game. Companies can also organize group activities such as expeditions and elite zone farming, increasing the chances of receiving high-quality gear drops.