Nestled in the northwest region of the vast and sprawling world of the Lands Between in Elden Ring lies a dangerous terrain named Mt. Gelmir. Though numerous paths exist to reach this area, the journey to this hazardous location is rife with danger and obstacles, as you will face a formidable array of adversaries.
Upon arriving at Mt. Gelmir, you will be confronted with a formidable foe in Rykard, the Lord of Volcano Manor, in a unique and challenging boss encounter that is widely regarded as one of the game’s most distinctive features. Furthermore, you can obtain the delightfully unconventional Ghiza’s Wheel weapon by fully exploring the manor. Therefore, missing out on this unforgettable and enthralling experience would be a significant loss.
With its foreboding reputation and rugged landscape, Mt. Gelmir is another region in Elden Ring that poses a grave threat to any intrepid traveler. From the imposing challenges presented by multiple bosses encounters to the daunting prospect of traversing treacherous streams of molten lava, the dangers that pervade this mountain are omnipresent and formidable.
Nevertheless, we are here to provide you with a comprehensive and invaluable resource that will allow you to ascend this difficult terrain and maximize your experience confidently. Our guide will provide indispensable advice on navigating the obstacles you encounter and acquiring the vital equipment necessary to emerge triumphant.
Embarking on the challenging journey towards the Mt. Gelmir map is daunting, as there are various ways to reach this dangerous location, each with its own obstacles and challenges. Two available methods involve teleportation to the summit, where the daunting Volcano Manor awaits.
For those who prefer a conventional method, the initial step is to make your way to the Altus Plateau and obtain a map of the region towards the Northeast of the primary road from either the Grand Lift of Dectus or the Old-Ruin Precipice. You should then follow the path that curves around the Minor Erdtree to the west, passing The Shaded Castle to your right as you cross a bridge. Keep following this path until you come across a rope bridge leading you to the Bridge of Inequity Site of Grace, indicating the beginning of your dangerous journey up Mt. Gelmir.
If you opted for the traditional approach to ascend Mt. Gelmir, two other methods are available for reaching Volcano Manor via teleportation. One option involves obtaining an invitation to the manor from Rya, an NPC located south of the Academy Gate Town near the Scenic Isle Site of Grace in the Liurnia of the Lakes region. Rya will task you with recovering her stolen necklace from a nearby shack northwest of the Scenic Isle. You can either buy the necklace from the NPC at the Boil Prawn Shack Site of Grace for 1,000 Runes or defeat him in the battle to obtain it.
Once you return the necklace to Rya, she will reward you with the Volcano Manor invitation. However, your journey is incomplete, as you must locate Rya again at the top of the Grand Lift of Dectus to be teleported to the manor. It can be achieved by activating the Grand Lift of Dectus or traveling through the Ruin-Strewn Precipice to reach the Altus Plateau.
To fully explore Volcano Manor, it’s worth checking the upper floor where an NPC wielding Ghiza’s Wheel can invade you. You can acquire this unique weapon if you defeat the NPC in battle.
A more challenging method to reach Volcano Manor involves dying at the hands of the Abductor Virgin enemy in the Academy of Raya Lucaria. However, using this method is not advisable as it requires being killed by a specific attack where the machine pulls you inside with its tentacles. Once dead, you’ll respawn near Volcano Manor but face a demanding boss to progress. It’s better to use one of the two more accessible methods mentioned earlier.
After collecting the necessary items, return to the Bridge of Inequity Site of Grace and continue forward, sticking to the left cliff. You’ll come across two torches and a tall ladder that leads to the First Mount Gelmir Campsite Site of Grace. On the way, you can loot some Golden Runes from nearby coffins and battle your way up a siege tower to acquire a Pulley Bow. From the top of the building are two paths: to the left, a wooded area leads to the Gelmir Hero’s Grave, a trap-filled dungeon that rewards heavy armor sets, and the Bloodhound Knight Floh summon. To continue climbing the mountain, take the path to the right and defeat or lure away the Grafted Scion guarding the ladder.