As players explore Hogwarts Valley in the game Hogwarts Legacy, they will encounter numerous Treasure Vaults, each with at least one chest to uncover. While some vaults require advanced puzzle-solving abilities, others can be unlocked simply by visiting them. This guide will provide tips and strategies for unlocking all 14 Treasure Vaults in the game’s West Hogwarts Valley region.
Vault Number 1: Players must head northwest from the Floo Flame and defeat the spiders guarding the vault to locate the first Treasure Vault. Once inside, players can use a fire spell to burn the web and claim the chest.
Vault Number 2: Players must return to the Floo Flame and summon a broom or flying mount to access the second Treasure Vault. They can fly north up the mountain until they reach a ruined castle. After defeating any enemies they encounter, players must use the Incendio spell to open the entrance to the vault. Players can then use Accio to pull a nearby box towards the vault and Levioso to levitate it to access the high platform.
Vault Number 3: The third Treasure Vault can be reached by fast-traveling to the region and flying northeast until players get the vault. Players must use Accio or Wingardium Leviosa to grab the enchanted cube, and once it is in place, they can cast Levioso. To obtain the treasure, players should approach the wall near the entrance to the room, which will reveal a hidden chest.
Vault Number 4: To reach the fourth Treasure Vault, players can start from the same Floo Flame as before and go southeast until they get to a small balcony where the vault is located. Players must grab the enchanted cube from the hill to the north, guide it back to the vault, and cast Levioso to open the entrance. Once inside, players will encounter a couple of Inferi that they must defeat before claiming the treasure.
Vault Number 5: The fifth Treasure Vault can be located by traveling to Keenbridge Floo Flame and heading east to a destroyed castle. Players must beat the wooden floors on the ground to uncover the entrance to the vault.
Once inside, players have the option to use the Wingardium Leviosa spell to grab the enchanted cube and levitate it toward the opening above the shorter pillars. This allows them to move the cube to the other side. They can aim at the cube by using the small space between the pillars and cast a fire spell to activate it, which will remove the obstacles blocking their path.
Once the barriers are cleared, players can claim the chest inside the Treasure Vault.
Vault Number 6: Players can find the sixth vault near the previous one. Upon entering, players can dive into the waters to discover a dead body on the other side and the treasure to claim.
Vault Number 7: Players must travel to Keenbridge Floo Flame and swim northeast to access the seventh Treasure Vault. Once they arrive, they should head southeast to find a locked door. They can then turn southwest to find the lever for the door and pull it using Accio. After entering the room, players will find two treasure chests waiting for them.
Vault Number 8: Players should fly northeast from the Keenbridge waypoint to locate the eighth Treasure Vault. Upon entering the vault, players will notice that the room’s entrance is blocked by rocks, which can be destroyed using Depulso. After killing the rocks, players should turn to the east and burn the vines to reveal the treasure.
Vault Number 9: Players must enter the vault and locate 12 levers and a blocked treasure chest to access the tenth Treasure Vault. To determine which levers to pull, players can cast Revelio, which marks the required levers in blue.
Vault number 10: Head northwest from Mine’s Eye waypoint, defeat Inferi, and open using Accio/Depulso, no puzzle inside.
Vault number 11: Start from Central Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame, go southeast to Ancient Magic spot, and Depulso both mechanisms to open locked gates to enter.
Vault number 12: Go east from Brocburrow Floo Flame, defeat Dark Mongrels, find the lever to open the entrance, and move three piles of bones to the central platform to reveal the chest.
Vault number 13: Head north from Brocburrow to the vault, retrieve the enchanted cube southwest of the entrance, and use Glacius to open it; the chest is through the portal.
Vault number 14: South from Lower Hogsfield Floo Flame, pull the lever to open the door, use Revelio to find the cube on the platform, use Wingardium Leviosa to move the cube to the hidden chest near stairs to lower ground and reveal treasure.