In Sons of the Forest, players are exposed to a hazardous environment threatening survival. Whether they play alone or with others in co-op mode, players must prioritize securing their basic needs, such as sustenance, hydration, and protection from the island’s mutant inhabitants.
Surviving in this game requires players to thoroughly understand the game’s various elements and systems, including the recently introduced AI companions and the extensively reworked building mechanism. Every feature within the game, aside from the direct dangers, can be utilized to aid players in their survival efforts.
In Sons of The Forest, players will inevitably face danger and may lose their progress due to in-game threats. Thus, saving frequently is crucial, even though being fully prepared for all situations is impossible.
Unlike many games, Sons of The Forest does not have an autosave system, although this may be added in the future as the game is still in the early access phase. It’s essential to remember that the game’s predecessor, The Forest, also did not have this feature.
Fortunately, saving in Sons of The Forest is relatively straightforward. Players only need to rest by sleeping in-game. However, it is worth noting that sleeping in unsafe areas can be hazardous and uncomfortable, so finding a suitable shelter is advisable. Finding shelter is relatively easy in the game, as it is plentiful on the island.
While exploring the Sons of The Forest world, players may discover pre-built shelters like abandoned campsites or bunkers that can offer some safety. However, it’s worth noting that enemies can still pose a threat while the player rests, so choosing a secure location before settling down is essential.
An alternative and more reliable option are for players to create their shelter. The most accessible type of shelter can be constructed using just two components: a stick and a tarp. These resources are easily obtained near the game’s starting point by either gathering from nearby plants or looting containers.
In Sons of the Forest, a survival horror game, players must frequently save their progress to avoid losing it due to unexpected enemy attacks or closing the game. As a result, players should keep their game regularly to minimize the risk of losing their progress.
Players must construct a tent or shelter to serve as a safe haven to save the game. They can interact with their cover to save their progress or rest by sleeping.
It’s important to note that players cannot save the game by accessing the pause menu alone. It may confuse new players who need help keeping their progress effective. Therefore, this guide offers a clear explanation to help players understand how to save in Sons of the Forest.
For players who have just started playing Sons of the Forest, it is essential to save their progress after collecting resources and exploring the island. Failing to keep the game before closing will result in losing all progress since the last save. Luckily, saving the game is straightforward and can be done quickly.
To save the game, players must construct a shelter, regardless of whether they have a bed. During the game’s early stages, the easiest option is to build a small tent and use it to save the game.
When interacting with the shelter, players are presented with two options: sleep or save. Players who choose to sleep will pass the time and wake up later. On the other hand, if they decide to keep, their progress will be saved. It can be seen in the image provided.
After interacting with a shelter or tent in Sons of the Forest, you can select a save slot to store your progress. It will allow you to resume your game from where you left off without lost progress. It is recommended to save frequently, especially after gathering necessary resources or before exiting the game.
It would help to gather a tarp and two sticks to create a basic shelter. In Sons of The Forest, players can create a temporary shelter using a tarp and a stick. These items can be found in the game world, with the tarp located at the helicopter crash site and sticks scattered throughout the game.
To create the shelter, players need to place the tarp on the ground and interact with it to place the stick, which will create a basic tent structure. More advanced shelters can be created by building a structure and placing a bed inside it, which serves as both a sleeping and saving point. To set up the basic tent, players must equip the tarp from their inventory and select a location to place it on the ground. They can adjust the tarp’s orientation using the Q and R keys before placing it.
Once the tarp is in position, players can move to one of the corners, and a white arrow will appear to prompt them to interact with the stick and complete the shelter. This shelter can be used as a location to save the game. The character will introduce a stick to prop up the tent by clicking the left mouse button.