Apple has just revealed the smaller version of its smart home speaker, the Homepod Mini. Coming in at just $99, the Homepod mini promises to be an extension to your existing smart home setup.
According to Apple, the Homepod Mini is supposed to be the device that is kept in every room of your house. In terms of design, the Homepod Mini presents an aesthetically pleasing chassis that’s compact and understated. This means that you can place your Homepod mini anywhere and it’ll blend in with the surroundings perfectly.
However, don’t let the small size deceive you since the Apple Homepod Mini packs some decent punch and can be heard from anywhere in the room. However, in an age where the Nest Mini and Amazon Echo Dot exist at competitive prices, is there room for a Homepod Mini? Perhaps if you’re already invested in the Apple ecosystem then you’d consider it. But, there’s one major thing missing from the Apple Homepod Mini that’ll probably be the dealbreaker for most people.
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The Homepod Mini comes with a multitude of apps for music streaming and has Siri functionality. However, arguably the most important music streaming app out of them all, Spotify, is sadly missing from the Homepod’s arsenal. This means that you won’t be able to stream any Spotify music from your new device.
Honestly, this could prove to be a massive dealbreaker for most people who are serious about their music. What’s puzzling about this omission is the fact that the previous Apple Homepod also didn’t come with Spotify and it isn’t exactly battling well against the likes of Google Home and Echo devices. Apple seriously needs to reconsider its priorities and try to get Spotify on its platform or the Homepod lineup could soon turn into a sinking ship.
Do you think that Apple Homepod Mini can get away without any Spotify functionality? Let us know down in the comments below!